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StreamPro ADCP - Shallow Streamflow Measurement System


Teledyne RD Instruments

Teledyne RD Instruments’ STREAMPRO ADCP (Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler) represents a revolutionary advancement in streamflow measurement. You can accurately measure discharge in shallow streams in a matter of minutes—a fraction of the time required using traditional hand-held devices. With StreamPro there’s no need to move from station to station to obtain single-point velocity data or compute the discharge by hand; streamflow measurements are obtained in real-time.

Get out of the water: StreamPro can be tethered to be pulled from a bridge, cableway, or tagline pulley system. This greatly improves operator safety when compared to traditional wading techniques.

Collect high-accuracy data: This dramatic advancement in stream flow measurement is made possible by Teledyne RD Instruments’ Broadband Doppler signal-processing technology, which achieves superior accuracy in velocity measurement.

Go right to work: StreamPro has been designed to allow any level of user to immediately begin collecting high-quality data. The simple and highly intuitive user interface has been designed to ensure proper operation.


Brochure StreamPro - Download

Application Note
StreamPro - Low Flow Measurement - Download
StreamPro & Channel Master Application Note - Download

Technical Papers
Measuring Discharge with Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers from a Moving Boat - Download
StreamPro ADCP Discharge Measurements in an Irrigation Canal - Download
Hydroacoustics and the USGS - Download
The importance of ADCP alignment with GPS in moving-boat streamflow measurements - Download