ProdottoLISST-ABSLISST-ABS Sequoia Scientific, Inc. is proud to offer the first low-cost acoustic backscatter sensor designed specifically for measuring suspended sediment concentration at a point. LISST-ABSSequoia ScientificSequoia Scientific, Inc. is proud to offer the first low-cost acoustic backscatter sensor designed specifically for measuring suspended sediment concentration at a point. This is a new type of sediment sensor, superior to turbidity or optical backscatter sensors (OBS) for 4 reasons.
The LISST-ABS is easy to integrate into existing sensor platforms. Click here for simple version of how it works, or here to get a detailed explanation. DocumentiDepliantBrochure LISST-ABS - Download Sequoia Scientific Product Catalog 2020 - Download Manuale LISST-ABS Manual v. 1.5 Nov 2020 - Download Application Note LISST-ABS Application Note - Download Technical Papers LISST-ABS Profiles by USGS - Download Why and How Do We Study Sediment Transport? Focus on Coastal Zones and Ongoing Methods - Download Software LISST-ABS Windows Software |