ProdottoC-FluorC-Fluor C-FLUOR are sensitive, extremely low power single wavelength in situ fluorescence and turbidity probes available in several optical configurations spanning a broad range of applications. C-FluorTurner DesignsC-FLUOR are sensitive, extremely low power single wavelength in situ fluorescence and turbidity probes available in several optical configurations spanning a broad range of applications.Factory-calibrated, each C-FLUOR ships with a calibration certificate used to convert the analog output signal to a specific concentration estimate. The Titanium construction allows for a depth rating of 2,000 meters as well as superior resistance to corrosion. C-FLUOR Probes are pin-compatible with Cyclops Sensors so they are easily integrated into many of the same third-party systems. Product Highlights:
DocumentiDepliantBrochure C-Fluor - Download Manuale Manuale C-Fluor - Download Application Note Comparison C-Fluor vs Cyclops - Download Colored Dissolved Organic Matter (CDOM) - Calibration Procedures and Performance Data - Download New Tools & Accessories for Monitoring Algal Growth in Test Tubes - Download Guida Utente Quick Start Guide C-Fluor - Download Prodotti correlatiDataBank (not CE certified) The DataBank™ is a universal meter, datalogger, and power supply which is easy to connect and use. MiniWiper The miniWIPER is a self-contained, completely submersible, wiping device that can be used with a variety of sensors. |