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SBE-50 Digital Oceanographic Pressure Sensor

SBE-50 Digital Oceanographic Pressure Sensor
The SBE 50 is a high-accuracy, high-resolution (16 Hz sampling) pressure sensor, intended for towed vehicle, ROV, AUV, or other autonomous profiling applications at depths up to 7000 meters (23,000 feet).

SBE-50 Digital Oceanographic Pressure Sensor

Sea-Bird Electronics

The SBE 50 is a high-accuracy, high-resolution (16 Hz sampling) pressure sensor, intended for towed vehicle, ROV, AUV, or other autonomous profiling applications at depths up to 7000 meters (23,000 feet).

The SBE 50’s strain-gauge pressure sensor is offered in eight full scale ranges from 20 to 7000 dbars. Compensation of the temperature influence on pressure offset and scale is performed by the SBE 50’s CPU.

The SBE 50 is an easy-to-use, light, compact instrument ruggedly made of titanium and other low-maintenance (plastic) materials; it is well suited to even the smallest vehicle. Commands sent to the SBE 50 provide status display, data acquisition setup, and diagnostic tests. The SBE 50 must be externally powered, and its RS-232C data (and/or optional 0 - 5 volt output) logged or telemetered by the vehicle to which it is mounted. The SBE 50 does not support auxiliary sensor inputs.


Brochure SBE-50 - Download

Manuale SBE-50 - Download

Application Note
AN 27Druck: Minimizing Strain Gauge Pressure Sensor Errors - Download
AN 68: Using USB Ports to Communicate with Sea-Bird Instruments - Download
AN 69: Conversion of Pressure to Depth - Download
AN 71: Desiccant Use and Regeneration (drying) - Download
AN 73: Using Instruments with Pressure Sensors at Elevations Above Sea Level - Download
AN 84: Using Instruments with Druck Pressure Sensors in Muddy or Biologically Productive Environments - Download

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