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The SeapHOx combines the Satlantic SeaFET pH sensor with the Sea-Bird Electronics SBE 37-SMP-ODO MicroCAT CTD+DO sensor. The SeapHOx allows for the integrated data collection of pH with the critical oceanographic and biological measurement of temperature, salinity, and oxygen. The integrated package also allows the SeaFETTM to take advantage of the SBE 37's pumped flow path and anti-fouling technology, extending deployment durations in some cases.


Sea-Bird Electronics

The SeapHOx combines the Satlantic SeaFET pH sensor with the Sea-Bird Electronics SBE 37-SMP-ODO MicroCAT CTD+DO sensor. The SeapHOx allows for the integrated data collection of pH with the critical oceanographic and biological measurement of temperature, salinity, and oxygen.
The integrated package also allows the SeaFET to take advantage of the SBE 37's pumped flow path and anti-fouling technology, extending deployment durations in some cases.

- Moored pH, Conductivity, Temperature, Pressure (optional), and Optical Dissolved Oxygen, at user-programmable 5-minute to 24-hour intervals
- Integral pump
- RS-232 or USB interface
- Internal memory and batteries (can be powered externally)*
- Industry-leading conductivity cell biofouling protection
- SeaFETCom© Windows software package (setup, data upload, and data processing)
- Field-proven MicroCAT family, with more than 10,000 instruments deployed
- Maximum depth 50 m * The instrument MUST carry internal batteries; external power may extend the deployment duration depending on the sampling regime.

- pH sensor is Ion selective field effect transistor type
- Unique internal-field conductivity cell permits use of expendable anti-foulant devices, for long-term bio-fouling protection
- Aged and pressure-protected thermistor has a long history of exceptional accuracy and stability
- Optional strain-gauge pressure sensor with temperature compensation is available in two ranges
- Oxygen sensor is field-proven, individually calibrated SBE 63 Optical
- Dissolved Oxygen sensor
- Pump runs for each sample, providing improved pH, conductivity, and oxygen response, bio-fouling protection, and correlation of CTD and oxygen measurements

- RS-232 or USB interface
- Optional strain-gauge pressure sensor
- Wire mounting clamp and guide or brackets for mounting to a flat surface


Brochure SeapHOx - Download

Manuale SBE-37-SMP-ODO (RS-232) - Download

Guida Utente
SeapHOx Quick STart Guide - Download

Technical Papers
Change Notice: SeaFET V2 pH Sensor Upgrade - June 2018 - Download
Comparing ISFET and Glass Electrode pH Sensors - Download
Reliably Measuring pH In the Ocean - Download
Shallow vs. Deep SeapHOx V2 - Major Differences and Determining Appropriate Use Cases - Download

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