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SBE-52 Moored Profiler CTD & Optional DO Sensor

SBE-52 Moored Profiler CTD & Optional DO Sensor
The SBE 52-MP is a Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (pressure) sensor, designed for moored profiling applications in which measurements are made from from a device that travels vertically beneath a buoy, or from a buoyant package that is winched up and down from a bottom-mounted platform.

SBE-52 Moored Profiler CTD & Optional DO Sensor

Sea-Bird Electronics

The SBE 52-MP is a Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (pressure) sensor, designed for moored profiling applications in which measurements are made from from a device that travels vertically beneath a buoy, or from a buoyant package that is winched up and down from a bottom-mounted platform. On typical slow-moving packages (20 - 50 cm/sec), its once-per-second sampling rate provides good spatial resolution of oceanographic structures and gradients. The 52-MP's pump-controlled, TC-ducted flow minimizes salinity spiking. The 52-MP can optionally be configured with an SBE 43F Dissolved Oxygen Sensor, a frequency-output version of our SBE 43 (same performance specifications).

The SBE 52-MP uses the same accurate and stable thermistor, conductivity cell, and pressure sensor that are used in the MicroCAT and Argo Float products. It is easy-to-use, compact, and ruggedly made of titanium and other low-maintenance (plastic) materials. Operating commands are easy to execute with a third-party data logger or your own acquisition system. EEPROM-stored calibration coefficients permit data upload in ASCII engineering units (mmho/cm, degrees C, decibars, ml/l). Alternatively, the user can upload hexadecimal or binary data. The SBE 52-MP is externally powered, and temporarily stores data in static RAM memory. If/when power is removed, any data stored in memory is lost.


Brochure SBE-52 - Download

Manuale SBE-52 - Download

Application Note
AN 02D: Instructions for Care and Cleaning of Conductivity Cells (03/14) - Download
AN 06: Determination of Sound Velocity from CTD Data - Download
AN 10: Compressibility Comp of SBE Conductivity Sensors (05/13) - Download
AN 14: 1978 Practical Salinity Scale - Download
AN 27Druck: Minimizing Strain Gauge Pressure Sensor Errors - Download
AN 42: ITS-90 Temperature Scale - Download
AN 68: Using USB Ports to Communicate with Sea-Bird Instruments - Download
AN 69: Conversion of Pressure to Depth - Download
AN 71: Desiccant Use and Regeneration (drying) - Download
AN 73: Using Instruments with Pressure Sensors at Elevations Above Sea Level - Download
AN 84: Using Instruments with Druck Pressure Sensors in Muddy or Biologically Productive Environments - Download
AN 90: Absolute Salinity and TEOS-10: Sea-Bird's Implementation - Download

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