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The SBE 37-IMP-ODO MicroCAT is a high-accuracy conductivity and temperature (pressure optional) recorder with internal batteries, memory, built-in Inductive Modem, integral Pump, and Optical Dissolved Oxygen sensor.


Sea-Bird Electronics

The SBE 37-IMP-ODO MicroCAT is a high-accuracy conductivity and temperature (pressure optional) recorder with internal batteries, memory, built-in Inductive Modem, integral Pump, and Optical Dissolved Oxygen sensor. Constructed of titanium and other non-corroding materials for long life with minimal maintenance, the MicroCAT is designed for long duration deployments on moorings. Calibration coefficients are stored in EEPROM, allowing output of C, T, P, DO, and time in ASCII engineering units (raw output available).

The Inductive Modem (IM) system provides reliable, low-cost, real-time data transmission for up to 100 IM-enabled instruments using plastic-coated wire rope (typically 3 x 19 galvanized steel) as both the transmission line and mooring tension member. IM instruments clamp anywhere along the rugged mooring wire. Expensive and potentially unreliable multi-conductor electrical cables with fixed position underwater connectors are not required. IM moorings are easily reconfigured (positions changed or instruments added or removed), by sliding and re-clamping sensors on the cable. IM systems are much less expensive and more power-efficient than acoustic modems, and offer reliable communication over greater distances.

In a typical mooring, an Inductive Modem Module (IMM) or Surface Inductive Modem (SIM) housed in the buoy communicates with underwater IM instruments and is interfaced to a computer or data logger via an RS-232 serial port. The computer or data logger (not supplied by Sea-Bird) is programmed to poll each IM instrument on the mooring for its data, and send the data to a telemetry transmitter (satellite link, cell phone, RF modem, etc.). The MicroCAT saves data in memory for upload after recovery, providing a data backup if real-time telemetry is interrupted.


Brochure SBE-37-IMP-ODO - Download

Manuale SBE-37-IMP-ODO - Download

Application Note
AN 06: Determination of Sound Velocity from CTD Data - Download
AN 10: Compressibility Comp of SBE Conductivity Sensors (05/13) - Download
AN 14: 1978 Practical Salinity Scale - Download
AN 27Druck: Minimizing Strain Gauge Pressure Sensor Errors - Download
AN 42: ITS-90 Temperature Scale - Download
AN 64-1: Plumbing Installation -- SBE 43 DO Sensor and Pump on a CTD - Download
AN 69: Conversion of Pressure to Depth - Download
AN 71: Desiccant Use and Regeneration (drying) - Download
AN 73: Using Instruments with Pressure Sensors at Elevations Above Sea Level - Download
AN 83: Deployment of Moored Instruments - Download
AN 85: Handling of Ferrite Core on Instruments with Inductive Modem Telemetry - Download
AN 90: Absolute Salinity and TEOS-10: Sea-Bird's Implementation - Download
MicroCAT Feature Comparisons - Download
Guide to CTDs - Download

Guida Utente
Guide to Inductive Moorings - Download

Technical Papers
The acquisition, calibration, and data analysis of CTD data - Download