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Ossigeno Disciolto

La Meda Profilante di Communication Technology fornisce in tempo reale profili ad alta risoluzione spaziale di tutta la colonna d'acqua.
Meteo-Marine Buoy for coastal installations
Il LISC è il potente datalogger di Communication Technology sviluppato per le applicazioni di monitoraggio oceanografico in tempo reale.
The McLane Moored Profiler (MMP) autonomously profiles the water column along a fixed tether while carrying a selection of oceanographic sensors.
The miniDOT Clear logger is a completely submersible instrument that logs dissolved oxygen and temperature measurements and has an internal LCD screen, which displays real-time measurements.
The miniDOT® logger is a completely submersible instrument that logs dissolved oxygen and temperature measurement.
Measures conductivity, temperature, depth, dissolved oxygen, pH, turbidity, and chlorophyll. It is ideally suited for extended deployments in remote, biologically rich environments, for depths to 350 m.
A Navis autonomous profiling float with integrated optical Dissolved Oxygen sensor (SBE 63) and bolt-on WET Labs ECO Triplet is now available from Sea-Bird Scientific. The sensors take continuous measurements at 1 Hz through ascent, and provide high accuracy, resolution, and stability.
A Navis autonomous profiling float with integrated optical Dissolved Oxygen sensor (SBE 63) and WET Labs MCOMS is now available from Sea-Bird Scientific. The sensors take continuous measurements at 1 Hz through ascent, and provide high accuracy, resolution, and stability.
The SeapHOx combines the Satlantic SeaFET pH sensor with the Sea-Bird Electronics SBE 37-SMP-ODO MicroCAT CTD+DO sensor. The SeapHOx allows for the integrated data collection of pH with the critical oceanographic and biological measurement of temperature, salinity, and oxygen. The integrated package also allows the SeaFETTM to take advantage of the SBE 37's pumped flow path and anti-fouling technology, extending deployment durations in some cases.
The SBE 37-IMP-ODO MicroCAT is a high-accuracy conductivity and temperature (pressure optional) recorder with internal batteries, memory, built-in Inductive Modem, integral Pump, and Optical Dissolved Oxygen sensor.
The SBE 37-SMP-ODO MicroCAT is a high-accuracy conductivity and temperature (pressure optional) recorder with Serial interface, internal batteries, Memory, integral Pump, and Optical Dissolved Oxygen sensor.
The SBE 43 sets the oxygen measurement standard for oceanographic research. The sensor is a complete redesign of the Clark polarographic membrane type in which careful choices of materials, geometry, and sensor chemistry are combined with superior electronics interfacing and calibration methodology to yield major gains in performance.
The SBE 52-MP is a Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (pressure) sensor, designed for moored profiling applications in which measurements are made from from a device that travels vertically beneath a buoy, or from a buoyant package that is winched up and down from a bottom-mounted platform.
Due to increasing science demands, Sea-Bird developed an individually calibrated, high-accuracy, optical oxygen sensor to assist in critical hypoxia and ocean stoichiometric oxygen chemistry research. With this new sensor, a myriad of moored and float-based platforms can contribute significantly in these driving areas of importance.